Through collective efforts, ISA aims to:

OBJECTIVE 1: INCREASE STEM AWARENESS AND SUPPORT – in the community promoting STEM literacy for all, defining roles and clearly outlining pathways to local STEM careers;

OBJECTIVE 2: PROMOTE & INCREASE PARTICIPATION IN PERSONALIZED & PROJECT-BASED LEARNING – spark interest in STEM through authentic field experiences, competitive challenges and personalized career exploration opportunities for students including apprenticeships, internships and mentorships with local industry and community partners;

OBJECTIVE 3: FORTIFY TRANSITIONS – promote a culture of support with family education; focusing on mentorship for underrepresented and first generation college-bound students to increase their entrance and success in STEM studies and lead to the pursuit of STEM careers;

OBJECTIVE 4: SUPPORT TEACHERS – encourage teachers to continue developing expertise in integrating technology into daily educational experiences using teaching practices and methodologies that include project based learning opportunities, explore professional development options, and engage community and business partners to drive changes through focused support;

OBJECTIVE 5: SEEK INDUSTRY & COMMUNITY INPUT – establish and maintain relationships with local community partners and STEM professionals to actively procure feedback, develop career pathways for students and promote economic development opportunities through our regional employers.